Here’s a portrait of Josh, the unfortunate reality is that he was homeless. Josh used to sit on the corner of my apartment building for years. He spent his time on the corner asking for food, money, anything to help him survive. Throughout the years I had the chance to build a brief relationship with Josh. His passion for music was a relevant topic in our conversations. Josh would always talk about his gigs and how much he loved playing the guitar. I felt the urge to do more than just give him money and food, so I came up with an idea to feed his soul. I created a portrait of him made of only cardboard, the one material he used on a daily basis. Along with the portrait I also constructed a stand shaped as hands which was used to store money. This art piece was inspired by struggle, religion, and hope. I painted the portrait to resemble a holy figure and the hand structure simulates the the gesture someone makes to receive the Eucharist. The project was exhibited at an art show, and in one day I collected $130. Every single cent was used to buy Josh a new acoustic guitar. Unfortunately, Josh died a few months after this. I dedicate this project entirely to him and his passion for the art of music.

Creative Director